___                              __   _  _    _    _           _    _  _                   
  / _ \ _ __   ___   ___  _ __     / /  (_)| |_ | |_ | |  ___    /_\  | |(_)  ___  _ __   ___ 
 / /_\/| '__| / _ \ / _ \| '_ \   / /   | || __|| __|| | / _ \  //_\\ | || | / _ \| '_ \ / __|
/ /_\\ | |   |  __/|  __/| | | | / /___ | || |_ | |_ | ||  __/ /  _  \| || ||  __/| | | |\__ \ 
\____/ |_|    \___| \___||_| |_| \____/ |_| \__| \__||_| \___| \_/ \_/|_||_| \___||_| |_||___/

I LOVE Green Little Aliens.

Properties of a Green Little Alien

So.. Why aliens??

It all started after a very emotionally exhausting therapy session, when I happened to stop at a toy store and saw a fidget toy. A fidget device that was both literally and figuratively "alien" to me.
You know, this was not your typical fidget toy; it had two magnets hooked together that you drift around in the palm of your hand, but I have no complaints because it helped me stop picking at my skin during
that point in time.

This revelation helped me understand something I had been practically keeping hidden from myself: my love of all things sci-fi. Once I had that fidget toy, I realized I'd always been drawn to and captivated by
extraterrestrial life; even as a child, my favorite plushie was an alien. As a result, I began my collection of novelty "green little aliens" in various aspects of my life, including earrings, pins, and on-line graphics.